I hit the magical number of 55 today & let me tell you I have dreams of van living or shack living by a beach somewhere (preferably where my phone coverage is limited!!) for an extended period of time. There are of course a thousand reasons why not but I am often heard to say ‘if not now, when’!!!
Lovely to hear of your adventures & the creativity that sounds like it is blossoming in just such environments as you describe.
Beautiful photos! Love this :)
Thank you xx
Sounds idyllic x
it is very addictive. x
I’ve always wanted to live in a van & travel the country. I guess it’s why I’ve moved so many times😬
I hit the magical number of 55 today & let me tell you I have dreams of van living or shack living by a beach somewhere (preferably where my phone coverage is limited!!) for an extended period of time. There are of course a thousand reasons why not but I am often heard to say ‘if not now, when’!!!
Lovely to hear of your adventures & the creativity that sounds like it is blossoming in just such environments as you describe.
Happy van-living! 🧡
I think madness is descending in my world so I am just going with it! Kindred spirits. x
Nicely put Jan. xx