Hello folks, I hope you are all well? On the island we are busy preparing for a big storm heading our way tomorrow. Part of that, for me, is to check my woodland for any vulnerable branches or even trees! In doing that task I noticed just how much green is still around. I have some brown ferns, but many more green. I have some browning oak leaves but many more in full green still.
writes a lovely seasonal slow living blog here on Substack and he recently asked what colours we associate with this time of year. I might have been slightly out of step in mentioning green but there are two reasons for that. The first is, perhaps, more obvious and that is the presence of evergreens but the second is answering his question. I am a firm believer in responding to the seasons as they unfold around us rather than a story book, or worse, Instagram version of them. It is beyond mid October and on the island there is so much green. There is also so much pink as the wild heather is still flowering.© 2024 Fiona Doubleday
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