In the age of texts and instant messaging it might be considered old fashioned to be writing thank you letters at this time of year. I don’t mind being a bit old fashioned, in fact I am a champion of the slow writing movement that aims to bring the hand written word back into fashion. If I could I would write calling cards and deliver them to houses of friends on the island!
I have fond memories of four young children sitting round the table writing their thank you letters to their grandparents at this time of year. I suspect there might have been some resistence from at least two of them but I don’t remember that. I just remember the hot chocolate and the beautifully written letters and special time spent together.
As I settle down to write mine today I am mindful of how important this really is. To receive a hand written letter or card through the post is simply joyful. I am blessed to have several pen friends and we keep each other busy throughout the year.
I think I am really saying ‘thank you for being you’. It is these thoughtful moments in my world that remind me how important friendship is and being grateful for it. These thank you letters let me update friends and family members on news which is all the more vital now that I only use social media for my business. For some, the period after Christmas and into January can be a difficult time so it is the perfect time to drop some wee notes in the post box.
Snail mail can be very slow at this time of year as the island is battered by storms and few ferries manage to sail. I am hoping that doesn’t matter too much as long as it gets there. I have a pact with one of my friends. Once a letter is received it is not immediately opened. It is popped on the side waiting for a quiet moment when the house is empty of folk and the tea can be brewed slowly. Finding a comfy seat we settle down to read our letters. We have both spent most of our adult life as busy mums so these precious moments are so important.
I write with a fountain pen most of the time and I am quite sure that is very old fashioned. I design notecards as part of my business so I am never short of the perfect card for a friend or family member. It still takes me quite a while to choose the right one though. Once written it is a short walk down the hill to post my letter or card.
I think, in essence, I agree with Lewis Carroll who once said -
‘The proper definition of a man is an animal that writes letters.’
So best write letters then!
THANK YOU TOO, for all that you share. I really look forward to reading your posts and I thank you for the gentle reminders you offer us all. Many blessings to you and yours for the New Year.